Make professional videos, we’ll make it easy
Drag and drop photos, screen recordings, and short clips to create videos that engage and impress.
Drag and drop photos, screen recordings, and short clips to create videos that engage and impress.
Start from a template for social media videos or search ads and have your posts up and running the same day.
Create reusable templates so you can apply your branding to internal communications in just a click.
Simplify demos or onboarding with screen recording and voice-over videos that are easy to update.
Upload clips or pictures, record your screen, add stock images, and cut it all together with simple drag-and-drop tools.
No editing wizardry necessary, just drag and drop to add graphics, animations, and effects. All the extras you’d get from paying for a professional.
(using a beginner-friendly toolkit)
Select a soundtrack from our library of worry-free, licensed music or upload your own.
Capture seamless screen and webcam recordings without leaving Animoto.
Choose from millions of professional stock photos from our Getty Images library.
Record a voice-over right from your browser to make every video feel more personal.
Create as a team with cloud storage, multi-user editing, and the ability to comment on drafts.
Save colors, fonts, and custom templates to easily apply consistent branding.
Upload pictures, clips, add a voice-over, or record a video right within Animoto.
Crop, merge, and cut together your video. No tricky editing tools, just click and drag to add effects.
If you’re a business, apply your classic colors, font, and logo. Then click to add your saved intro and outro.
We’re on your team around the clock to guide you through your next project