
Valentine's Day video maker

Create videos for Valentine's Day in minutes using your photos and video clips. It's drag-and-drop easy. No experience needed.

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Create a valentines video they'll love

Make a Valentine's Day video quickly and easily with our Valentine's Day video maker. Make a happy Valentine's Day video slideshow for someone you care about or promote your business and products with Valentine's Day videos for social media.

Create in minutes

How to make a Valentine's Day video in 4 easy steps

  1. Choose a video template or start from scratch
  2. Upload your photos and video clips or choose from our Getty Images stock library
  3. Personalize your Valentine's Day video by changing colors, text, and music
  4. Export and share your video on social media, via email, or in person

Make a Valentine's Day video in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.

We want to help you make amazing Valentine’s Day videos

As you get started making your own videos, we're here to help along the way! Get started with Animoto’s online video maker and visit our Help Center for answers to your questions. For ideas and inspiration for business videos, join The Animoto Social Video Marketing Community on Facebook. Our team of video experts is ready to help you grow with tips and feedback on your videos.