
Crafting the Perfect Crowdfunding Project Video

Lauren Colman

Crafting the Perfect Crowdfunding Video

Video can be intimidating. It becomes ever more intimidating when it is about you and something you believe in. No need to fear, fundraising videos can easily and effectively share your story without the need for expensive equipment or a big production team. Just get out your camera or smartphone, and with a few tips, you are on your way to funding your dream.

Choose a Platform

Research the various crowdfunding sites to see which is best suited for your campaign. You might be familiar with sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe, but there are plenty of other sites that cater to more of a niche. Musicians may want to check out ArtistShare and PledgeMusic. Fundraising for a school? Take a look at DonorsChoose or Piggybackr

Introduce Yourself and Your Project

Easily tell your story with personality and emotion. Appeal to the heart. Why are you passionate about your project? Why should others be passionate about your project? Viewers will be more likely to fund your project if they see that it fills a need and you are the perfect person to fill it.

Make it Quick

Try to get as much information in your video as possible in under three minutes. If your video is too long you run the risk of losing a viewer’s attention. Front load your video with something compelling to hook them, then lay out all of the details.

Ask for Support

Don’t be afraid to be blunt here. Explain what the money you receive will go to. People feel better investing in something that has a clear plan and timetable. Describe some of the great rewards available with a contribution to get people excited.

See two campaigns that use video to help tell their story.

Rebecca Bloomfield of Bloomfield Farms raised almost $14,000 on Indiegogo to help her start a farm in Almonte, Ontario.

Paula Dawn McLaughlin is running a campaign to help raise money for Positively Publishing. Contributions will help creates multicultural books that give children a voice and an avenue to showcase their talent.

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